Epa to Review How Clean Air Water Laws Affect Energy Sector Jobs

A small-scale number of people at a few federal agencies have vast ability over the protection of American air and water.

Nether the Trump administration, the people appointed to those positions overwhelmingly used to work in the fossil fuel, chemic and agriculture industries. During their time in government they accept been responsible for loosening or undoing nearly 100 ecology protections from pollution and pesticides, likewise as weakening preservations of natural resource and efforts to curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.

Of xx key officials across several agencies, fifteen came from careers in the oil, gas, coal, chemical or agriculture industries, while some other three hail from state governments that accept spent years resisting environmental regulations. At least four accept directly ties to organizations led by Charles G. and the late David H. Koch, who accept spent millions of dollars to defeat climate modify and clean energy measures.

Gretchen Goldman, research managing director at the Marriage of Concerned Scientists, noted that many Republican administrations had brought in people from regulated industries. "There's nothing inherently wrong with hiring people from the individual sector. But nosotros demand to make sure they are making decisions in the public interest," she said.

The Trump administration has said it is focused on ending regime overreach, and agency officials said it should be no surprise the administration has tapped people who have dealt get-go-hand with regulations and share President Trump'southward deregulatory goals. Assistants press officers added that top agency officials had spent years in public service besides as in the private sector; that all agency officials undergo ethics training; and that those who have worked for industry had signed recusal statements.

"Senior assistants officials, an overwhelming majority of whom the Senate has given their communication and consent to, understand that economic growth and environmental protection do not demand to disharmonize," Judd Deere, a White Business firm spokesman, said in a statement.

The Environmental Protection Agency

When Cleveland's heavily polluted Cuyahoga River defenseless fire in 1969, it galvanized the nation and helped pb to the creation of the Environmental Protection Bureau. Since then, the Eastward.P.A. has tracked pollution and enacted regulations to guide clean air and water laws and reduce levels of toxic substances. The Trump administration has argued the agency's rules have go besides onerous — particularly for the fossil fuel and agronomics industries.

Andrew R. Wheeler

Caput of the Due east.P.A.

Former fossil fuel lobbyist. Now in charge of regulating (and deregulating) industry.


As a lobbyist, Mr. Wheeler represented an electric utility, a uranium producer and, most significantly, a coal magnate who paid Mr. Wheeler'south sometime lobbying firm more than $2.7 million over 8 years to loosen restrictions on coal companies.


Mr. Wheeler's job is to enforce clean air and water laws. During his tenure, he has rolled back regulations and made it easier for highly polluting coal plants to keep operating.

Peter Wright

Head of country and emergency direction

Previously represented Dow Chemical in the cleanup of toxic Superfund sites. Now oversees E.P.A.'s Superfund cleanup program.


Mr. Wright spent 19 years as an attorney at Dow, i of the world's largest chemical makers. He fought to lessen Dow's responsibleness to contribute to the cleanup of a toxic waste product site in Midland, Mich.


Mr. Wright oversees the E.P.A.'southward ongoing cleanup of thousands of Superfund sites, equally well every bit emergency response and waste matter programs.

Anne Idsal

Head of air function

Former attorney at Texas environs agencies that fought federal regulations. Now oversees regulations that limit air pollution at the Due east.P.A.


Ms. Idsal worked at Texas land agencies that sued the E.P.A. over a plan to reduce air pollution in the state and require new controls on coal-fired power plants. In 2017 she told the Texas Observer she wasn't certain whether humans had an event on climate modify.


As caput of E.P.A.'southward air function, Ms. Idsal now oversees decisions on regulating air pollution and climate change, including whether to impose controls on coal-fired power plants.

Alexandra Dapolito-Dunn

Caput of chemical condom

Former attorney and police professor at nonpartisan state environmental organizations and universities. At present oversees chemic regulations at the E.P.A.


Ms. Dapolito-Dunn spent several years working in nonpartisan organizations focused on the surroundings, including as executive managing director and general counsel for the Environmental Council of the States and the Clan of Clean Water Administrators.


Nether Ms. Dapolito-Dunn, the E.P.A. has decided not to ban chlorpyrifos, a pesticide linked to impaired brain development in children, and has proposed new restrictions on asbestos that bureau scientists said did not go far enough.

Nancy B. Beck

Master deputy caput of chemical condom

Previously worked in the chemical manufacture against regulations of chemicals. Now in accuse of chemical regulations (though currently in a temporary position at the White House).


Ms. Beck ran the E.P.A.'s chemical function for the first 2 years of the Trump administration but is now temporarily at the White House Council of Economic Advisors. Before joining the E.P.A., she served at the American Chemistry Council, which lobbies to weaken regulations on chemicals.

WHAT SHE GETS TO Make up one's mind

At the E.P.A., Ms. Beck pushed to weaken rules on toxic chemicals like the pesticide chlorpyrifos, also as the review process for other toxic substances like the paint stripper ingredient methylene chloride. David Fischer is filling in for her at the Eastward.P.A. while she advises the White House.

David Fischer

Deputy head of chemical safety

Previously helped chemical companies navigate chemic condom laws. At present oversees federal implementation of chemic safety laws.


Mr. Fischer held several positions over a x-year span at the American Chemistry Council, including serving every bit senior director in the chemical products and engineering science division. He afterward joined a public relations house.


Mr. Fischer has stepped into Ms. Beck's previous E.P.A. office during her temporary move to the White Firm, and is at present a superlative policy adviser on chemical regulations.

David Ross

Caput of the water office

Previously sued to block an Eastward.P.A. clean h2o dominion. At present runs the Office of Water.


Mr. Ross represented industry clients like the American Subcontract Bureau against East.P.A. water regulations before entering state government. Every bit an assistant attorney general of Wyoming, he challenged the E.P.A.'s clean water rule.


Mr. Ross has led efforts to restrict the scope of the Clean Water Act and to weaken an Obama-era clean water regulation known as the Waters of the Us.

Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta

Caput of inquiry and development

A career East.P.A. scientist, who at present serves every bit Due east.P.A.'south top science adviser.


Dr. Orme-Zavaleta has been with the Due east.P.A. since 1981, working with Republican and Autonomous administrations on a range of issues including h2o pollution and chemic exposure risk.

WHAT SHE GETS TO Make up one's mind

David Dunlap

Deputy head of science policy

Quondam chemicals skillful for Koch Industries. Now oversees federal research on toxic chemicals that volition determine if more regulations are required.


Mr. Dunlap previously served as a policy principal at Koch Industries, focusing on h2o and chemic management. Earlier, he served as a vice president of the Chlorine Establish, which represents producers and distributors.


Mr. Dunlap is the top political deputy overseeing Due east.P.A.'s pollution and toxic chemic research at the Office of Research and Development. Mr. Dunlap helps to review chemicals to determine if they require new restrictions. He has recused himself from work on 1 particular chemical, formaldehyde, considering Koch Industries is a major formaldehyde producer.

Department of the Interior

The Interior Department manages more than than 500 1000000 acres of land and 1.7 billion acres of ocean floor, every bit well as the plants and animals living there and the oil, gas and other minerals that lie below. Nether the Trump administration, the agency has removed regulatory obstacles to fossil fuel development.

David Bernhardt

Head of the Section of the Interior

Former lobbyist for oil, gas and farming interests. Now oversees all federal land and natural resource use.


Onetime lawyer and lobbyist for oil and gas companies including Halliburton, Cobalt International Free energy, Samson Resources, and the Independent Petroleum Clan of America.


Mr. Bernhardt leads the Interior Department, overseeing millions of acres of federal land and waterways. Under his tenure, the bureau has weakened protections for endangered species, rolled back regulations on methane fought by the oil and gas industries, and weakened protections for fish in social club to divert h2o to California farmers.

Douglas Westward. Domenech

Oversees oceans, coasts and American territories

Previously worked equally an oil lobbyist and on lawsuits to weaken environmental policies. Now oversees policy decisions over oceans and in U.South. territories.


Mr. Domenech was the director of the Fueling Freedom Project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a Koch-funded group that promotes fossil fuels. Before that, he was the secretary of natural resource in Virginia, where he supported oil drilling off the state'south coastline.


Mr. Domenech has been closely involved in most major policy decisions at the Interior Department, including scaling back national monuments in Utah and reversing endangered species protections.

William P. Pendley

Acting main, Bureau of Land Management

A bourgeois attorney who has advocated selling off public lands. Now oversees 250 one thousand thousand acres of public lands.


Mr. Pendley has long been disquisitional of public lands and the environmental movement, and has compared government regulation to tyranny. He once compared climate change to a "unicorn" considering "neither exists."


Mr. Pendley is in charge of all federal public land beyond 12 western states, and decides whether or not to grant leases to fossil fuel companies for oil exploration and mining. He currently is overseeing the move of the Bureau of Land Direction's headquarters to Colorado.

Scott A. Angelle

Head of offshore safety and enforcement

Previously opposed old President Barack Obama's halt on drilling after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. At present oversees condom measures put in place later disasters.


Every bit Louisiana'due south secretary of natural resource, Mr. Angelle pushed to lift the Obama assistants'due south moratorium on Gulf Coast drilling imposed after BP spill. Shortly afterward being appointed to the Interior department, he told a group of oil and gas executives, "Help is on the way."


Aurelia Skipwith

Director of Fish and Wild fauna Services

Previously worked for the agrochemical giant Monsanto. At present oversees the recovery of threatened and endangered species.


Ms. Skipwith co-founded, with her fiancé, and served as full general counsel of an agronomical consulting company, AVC Global. She previously worked for agricultural companies like Monsanto.


The Fish and Wildlife service oversees most wildlife protection in the United States as well as 150 million acres of land conservation and evolution projects on the nation'southward wildlife refuges.

James F. Reilly

Managing director, U.S. Geological Survey

Used to be a geologist for an oil and gas company. Now he oversees an initiative to restrict the way the government uses climate change models.


Dr. Reilly worked for 15 years as the principal geologist for Enserch Exploration, an oil and gas company based in Dallas. He too worked at NASA and was an astronaut for 13 years.


Dr. Reilly has ordered that scientific assessments from the U.S. Geological Survey focus on climate models that project the effects of climate change through 2040, rather than 2100, which had been the previous standard. Federal scientists say that would be misleading because the major impacts of current emissions may exist felt afterward 2040.

Daniel Jorjani

Solicitor of the Department of the Interior

Formerly an adviser to organizations led by the Koch brothers. Now a tiptop attorney overseeing President Trump's policy of encouraging fossil fuel production and development.


Mr. Jorjani served in the Interior Department nether George W. Bush-league, and then worked for three unlike groups connected to the billionaire brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch, who have spent millions opposing efforts to fight climate change.


In addition to overseeing the state's nuclear arsenal, the Energy Department helps to develop energy from fossil fuels likewise as renewables like wind, solar and geothermal power. Under the Trump administration it has rolled back free energy efficiency measures for appliances and light bulbs, and promoted the consign of coal and liquified natural gas.

Dan Brouillette

Head of the Department of Energy

Erstwhile lobbyist for the insurance industry and for Ford Motor Company. Now secretary of the Section of Energy.


Mr. Brouilette was senior vice president of the United Services Motorcar Association and at the Ford Motor Company. He has lobbied for the Business Software Alliance, Lockheed Martin, Time Warner, Entergy & Verizon.


Mr. Brouillette oversees the country's nuclear energy stockpile and the national laboratories conducting free energy research and development. In Dec, one of his first acts as secretary was to roll back Obama-era free energy efficiency standards for lite bulbs.

Neil Chatterjee

Chairman, Federal Free energy Regulatory Commission

Formerly coordinated opposition to climate regulations as an energy adviser for Republican Senator Mitch McConnell. Now serves as the country's top free energy regulator.


As the free energy policy adviser to Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, Mr. Chatterjee helped fight regulations Mr. McConnell considered cumbersome, like the Clean Power Plan rules restricting coal-fired power plants.


The Federal Free energy Regulatory Commission regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil. Recently the commission ruled that current of air, solar and other make clean energy sources can be assessed a surcharge when bidding into the country's largest power marketplace, a movement aimed at propping upwardly fossil fuels and potentially discouraging new investments in renewable ability.

Daniel Simmons

Assistant Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Free energy

Used to work for an organization that called for the elimination of the Department of Free energy's part of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Now he runs that office.


Mr. Simmons was vice president for policy at the Plant for Energy Research, which is funded by fossil fuel interests, including Koch Industries. He held the same position at the group'southward advocacy arm, the American Energy Alliance, which in one case called for the emptying of the role of energy efficiency and renewable free energy.

WHAT HE GETS TO Make up one's mind

The department's mission is to help back up the development of clean, renewable and energy efficiency technologies and support a global clean-free energy economy.

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Any agency that writes a regulation — or rolls dorsum a regulation — works with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. This obscure but powerful division of the White House Office of Management and Budget performs cost-benefit analyses on all regulatory actions before they are finalized. Some examples include the Eastward.P.A.'due south plan to weaken regulations on coal plants and the Interior Department's plans to loosen protections for endangered species.

Paul Ray

Head of Role of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Former corporate chaser who represented Exxon and other companies that fought environmental regulations. Now he runs the agency that oversees every regulation.


Equally a corporate attorney, Mr. Ray'southward clients included chemical, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical companies as well as the paper and wood industry.

WHAT HE GETS TO Make up one's mind

He will review every major regulation that the Trump administration proposes, and is responsible for carrying out Mr. Trump'due south executive order directing agencies to repeal two regulations for each significant one they issue.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/01/14/climate/fossil-fuel-industry-environmental-policy.html

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